International Door & Operator Industry

NOV-DEC 2012

Garage door industry magazine for garage door dealers, garage door manufacturers, garage door distributors, garage door installers, loading docks, garage door operators and openers, gates, and tools for the door industry.

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Advantages of the IDAssurance Program • General Liability, Automobile, and Workers Compensation written with Liberty Mutual Insurance Company – An admitted A XV rated Company by AM Best • $0 deductible on the general liability, workers compensation and automobile (Except $500 comp/collision deductible) on all policies • NO residential exclusion • Ability to receive certifi cates of insurance within 3 hours of the request via email • Policies specifi cally tailored for the IDA members • General liability per project with aggregate of $5,000,000 • Broad and comprehensive coverage • Completed Operations for Additional Insureds • General liability, workers compensation, and automobile liability waivers of subrogation (Blanket Waiver of Subrogation) • Primary & Non-contributory endorsement For additional information about the advantages of the IDAssurance Program, please contact Andrew Stergiou at 212-603-0321 ( Alliant Insurance Services, Inc. is the consulting broker for the IDAssurance Program, is one of the largest and most experienced insurance and surety bond brokerage fi rms in the country. 2012 HEALTH CARE REFORM COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST T )OH[LEOH 6SHQGLQJ $FFRXQW &KDQJHV; %H VXUH \RXU HQUROOPHQW PDWHULDOV UHÀHFW WKH QHZ (continued) )6$ UXOH OLPLWLQJ FRQWULEXWLRQV WR SHU \HDU T 'D\ 1RWLFH RI 3ODQ &KDQJHV; 3URYLGH GD\V¶ QRWLFH RI DQ\ PDWHULDO PRGL¿FDWLRQV WR WKH SODQ WKDW DUH QRW UHODWHG WR UHQHZDOV RI FRYHUDJH 7KLV QRWLFH FDQ EH SURYLGHG LQ DQ XSGDWHG 6%& RU VHSDUDWH VXPPDU\ RI PDWHULDO PRGL¿FDWLRQV T :RPHQ¶V 3UHYHQWLYH &DUH; *XLGHOLQHV )RU SODQ \HDUV VWDUWLQJ RQ RU DIWHU $XJXVW QRQ JUDQGIDWKHUHG SODQV PXVW FRYHU VSHFL¿F SUHYHQWLYH health services for women with no cost sharing. These services include well-woman visits, STD screenings and contraceptives. Exceptions to contraceptive requirements may apply to religious employers. T 0HGLFDO /RVV 5DWLR 0/5 5HEDWHV 0HGLFDO ORVV UDWLR 0/5 UXOHV UHTXLUH LQVXUDQFH FRPSDQLHV WR VSHQG D FHUWDLQ SHUFHQWDJH RI SUHPLXP GROODUV RQ KHDOWK FDUH )XOO\ LQVXUHG SODQV PD\ UHFHLYH UHEDWHV LQ $XJXVW WKH EHQH¿W RI WKH SODQ¶V HQUROOHHV ZKLFK PD\ LQFOXGH UHGXFLQJ HQUROOHHV¶ SUHPLXP SD\PHQWV T : 5HSRUWLQJ ,I \RXU FRPSDQ\ LVVXHV EHQH¿WV IRU WKH WD[ \HDU RU PRUH : )RUPV \RX ZLOO EH UHTXLUHG WR UHSRUW WKH FRVW RI HPSOR\HU VSRQVRUHG KHDOWK IRUPV LVVXHG LQ -DQXDU\ 2012 tax year—and until further guidance is issued. T &KHFN; RQ 6WDWH 7D[ &KDQJHV; If your state previously required you to impute income for covering dependents up to age 26, you should check on updates to your state's tax code. All states that impose an income tax should now be in conformity with federal tax law, which permits this coverage to be provided on a tax-free basis. T &RPSDUDWLYH; (IIHFWLYHQHVV 5HVHDUFK )HHV Self-funded plans should be ready to pay comparative effectiveness research plan fees. The $1 per covered life fee EHJLQV RQ \RXU ¿UVW UHQHZDO DIWHU 2FWREHU DQG ZLOO LQFUHDVH WR the fees will be built into the plans premium rates. T 6PDOO %XVLQHVV 7D[ &UHGLW; If your company has fewer than 25 employees with an average annual salary less than $50,000 you may qualify for D WD[ FUHGLW &ODLP; WKH WD[ FUHGLW E\ ¿OLQJ )RUP DQQXDO WD[ ¿OLQJV

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